joelim joelimQ 27 février 2014 23:25

Très bonne analyse ici (en anglais mais ça vaut la peine). Extrait :

Frankly, I had some hopes that Yulia Tumoshenko might still save the Ukraine. No, not because I like her, but because I recognize the strength of her personality, especially when compared to the either terminally stupid (Tiagnibok, Klichko) or spineless (Iatseniuk, Yanukovich) men in Ukrainian politics. 

(...) And to those who will say that she has every bit as corrupt as all the other oligarchs I would say this : while all the other oligarchs see power as a way to make money, Tymoshenko sees money as a way to seize power. There is a huge difference here.

(...) Well, as I recently wrote, the US and the EU have very different objective in the Ukraine : the EU wants a market for its goods and services, the US want to hurt Russia as much as possible. We have all seen the total lack of effectiveness of the EU bureaucrats and their naive attempts at finding a negotiated solution. The US foreign policy goal has the advantage of being simple yet clear : fuck Russia and fuck the EU ! From the US point of view, the worse the situation becomes, the better it is for Uncle Sam. At the very least, this hurts Russia, at the very best, it gives the US a wonderful pretext to "protect" Europe from the "resurgent Russian bear" while standing up for civilization, democracy and progress. A Neocons wet dream...

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